Let’s talk greatest films of all time…

What is Scene and Heard?
Is there a greatest film of all time? What do the most critically acclaimed films of all time have in common? Who would win in a fight, Godard or Bergman? Was Pauline Kael just a pretentious snob? (obvi not) Maybe we’re just pretentious snobs? These are the questions hosts Jackie and Greg asked themselves over coffee one day and decided to embark on the cinematic journey of a lifetime. These two Hollywood assistants and filmmakers set out to put Sight and Sound magazine’s 100 Greatest Films of All Time to the test. This internationally recognized standard for global cinematic excellence is comprised of old favorites as well as movies that have probably been on your watchlist forever.
Join them each week as they dissect, analyze, and ask questions about these universally agreed-upon masterpieces of world cinema.
New episode every Tuesday!
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With four different Patron tiers even Pauline Kael would approve of, there’s a level for everyone. And even if there isn’t a level for you, that’s okay too! We’re just happy to have you as part of our community. At the three higher tiers, you’ll have access to bonus “S’mores” episodes in which we’ll focus more on underground/cult/genre films, as a nice balance to the more "prestige" titles that are part of our regular series. We’re also working on some super fun merch in our shop that will be available at a discount to our patrons. Visit us at: patreon.com/SceneandHeardPod

Latest Episode:
Jackie and Greg are joined by writer, producer, and director Gary Rosen for Alfred Hitchcock's REAR WINDOW from 1954. Topics of discussion include the genius of Hitchcock's storytelling, Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart's star power, the carefully staged tableux of the neighbors, and why the apartment set is one of the greatest sets ever built.